Ladder safety

ladderIn one year in Australia, 1668 people aged 65 years and over were hospitalised because they fell from a ladder. Sixty-two per cent of those injuries occurred in or around their home.

Ladder related injuries among men aged 65 years and older is steadily increasing in Australia.

The Product Safety Australia national education campaign ‘Ladder safety matters’ encourages older Australian men to stop and think before they use a ladder. It’s often the split-second decision or risky shortcut that results in a fall. Find out more about Safety tips and see ladder safety videos here. Watch Mick, John and Paul tell their stories about falling from ladders, the recovery process and how the fall has changed their lives.

Consumers Federation of Australia’s representative, Ruth Mackay, is on the Standards Australia Technical Committee SF-034 Portable ladders which is reviewing the standard on Portable Ladders.

CFA has representatives on over 50 Standards Australia Technical Committees as part of the CFA Standards Project; if you are interested in finding out more about the Project and/or becoming a volunteer CFA Standards Representative please contact the Standards Coordinator

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1 Comment on "Ladder safety"

  1. It is important to pay attention to safety when it comes to using a ladder. I always recommend having a spotter or someone to help hold the ladder/keep it steady. It is key to ensure that the ladder is on a flat surface that isn’t slick and to be sure it is in good condition. Thanks so much for sharing!

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