ICAN provides consumer education, advocacy and financial counseling services to Indigenous consumers across the nation.
Based in Cairns, Yarrabah, Palm Island & Thursday Island, ICAN ensures indigenous people living in remote and rural communities have access to information on consumer related issues. A combination of low literacy levels, lack of services and an uncompetitive marketplace leave the indigenous population open to financial exploitation.
ICAN aims to turn this situation around by providing Indigenous consumers with assistance to alleviate consumer detriment, education to make informed consumer choices and advocacy to highlight consumer disadvantage.
ICAN have been recognised nationally receiving multiple accolades:
- 2012- Money Smart Week Award (Highly Commended)
- 2009- Finalist Queensland Government Reconciliation Business Awards
- 2007 – Minister’s Award for Excellence & Consumer Advocacy Award, Queensland Office of Fair Trading, Consumer Protection Awards
- 2005 – Consumer Advocacy Award, Queensland Office of Fair Trading, Consumer Protection Awards
Indigenous Financial Counseling Mentorship Program
The ICAN Indigenous Financial Counselling Mentorship Program runs a highly successful Diploma of Community Services (Financial Counselling) accredited training program.
The Mentorship Program provides essential support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workers and is inclusive of non-Indigenous workers primarily working in the fields of financial counselling and money management, to undertake the accredited Diploma program. With a dedicated training coordinator, the program includes personal and academic mentorship in a supported learning environment, connecting students through virtual and face-to-face classroom oriented training.
Breaking Ground (below) is a short documentary on the first national Indigenous Financial Counselling Mentorship Program and the graduates that are making a difference in their own communities.
The mentorship program is a prime example of how ICAN strives to deliver exceptional education and support to the indigenous community across Australia. To find out more about this program visit ican.org.au/programs.