Clean up Australia inspires and empowers communities to clean up, and to fix up and conserve our environment; the annual Great Spring Clean is another chance for Aussies everywhere to get out and clean up our local environments and improve public places throughout September. Get out there and take practical action before the heat of summer hits, find out how to get involved and if your Council is supporting the clean up here.
The Australia: State of the environment report identifies the challenges that we face. Consumers Federation of Australia (CFA) engages with these issues by supporting a CFA representative to participate on Standards Australia technical committees and working groups such as EV-021 Environmental Management and sustainable development and EV-022 Circular economy. Nearly everything we touch has a Standard connected to it, in our everyday lives and in every Australian industry, and they make everything work – See how standards impact your movement through the world here. Find out more about the CFA Standards Project and how you can get involved and make a difference.
As a consumer, access to standards can help you become more informed about what to expect from product and service providers, find out more about the Standards Australia Reader Room which provides limited, FREE access to the entire catalogue of Australian Standards for non-commercial purposes.