Customers value fast speed and quality of connection
New research by the University of Melbourne and Swinburne University* documents the experience of people living in one of the first areas to receive the National Broadband Network (NBN), including their attitudes toward the NBN, downloading habits, internet speeds, devices per household and how much they pay for a phone and internet service. Download the report.
The research found that the earliest adopters of the NBN in the Melbourne suburb of Brunswick were home owners and households with children.
“This study offers a fascinating insight into the homes of the people of Brunswick, one of the first places in Australia to be connected to the National Broadband Network. Households who switched to an NBN service report an increase in the amount of data they download, are twice as likely to work from home, have a greater number of connected devices than they did previously and use them in more places throughout the home,” said ACCAN spokeswoman Elise Davidson.
Of the 282 households who agreed to be part of the study, almost half of those with an NBN service reported no real impact on the price they paid for an internet service (49%), with 37% paying more and 14% paying less.
“The research indicates people are willing to pay a bit more to get high-speed internet and larger download allowances. For others, their monthly costs went down because they were able to switch from a landline phone service to VoIP.”
When asked about their attitudes toward the NBN, 82% of households said they thought it was a good idea and particularly valued the fast internet speeds and quality of connection.
“The thing that people say they like most about the NBN is the speed and the data capacity,” said Ms Davidson. “We’re not too surprised to hear this – right around Australia people are telling us they want access to reliable, quality broadband at an affordable price.”
* This research was funded under the 2011 Round of the ACCAN Grants Scheme. The 2013 Round is now open, visit:
The teams from the University of Melbourne and Swinburne University have since been awarded additional funding by the Australian Research Council to continue their research.
Download full report: Broadbanding Brunswick: High-speed Broadband and Household Media Ecologies