Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Standing Data Consultation Paper

EV charging

Electric vehicle (EV) charging is set to transform our electricity systems. The Energy Security Board (ESB) has published a consultation paper on Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Standing Data, seeking stakeholder feedback on the rationale for data collection, the potential scope of EVSE data coverage, potential data use cases and a range of implementation options including the collection of EVSE standing data through an extension of AEMO’s DER Register Information Guidelines. Submissions on the paper close on 10 February 2023 and can be submitted via email to info@esb.org.au

EV uptake is expected to accelerate rapidly. There is an opportunity for Australia to put in place appropriate systems to ensure system planners and operators, or other parties, have the information they need to manage this transition effectively. Read more about the work of ESB here.

Separately, Consumers Federation of Australia (CFA) engages with EV issues and consumers by supporting a representative to the Standards Australia Technical Committee EM-001 Electric vehicles as part of the CFA Standards Project.

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