Could you represent CFA on the NHMRC’s Water Quality Advisory Committee?

[box border=”full”] Expressions of interest – CFA representative on the NHMRC’s Water Quality Advisory Committee[/box]

Expressions of interest are sought from individuals who may be interested in representing the Consumers’ Federation of Australia on the National Health and Medical Research Council’s Water Quality Advisory Committee.

The Water Quality Advisory Committee’s main role is to advise the NHMRC on public health issues related to drinking water quality and assist with the rolling review of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Further information about the WQAC can be found here:

Nominees must

  • be able to represent the consumer interest without conflict of interest
  • be able to address water quality issues from the perspective of the consumer

Ideally, nominees also would:

  • have an understanding of the water industry and some of the issues around drinking water quality
  • understand and commit to confidentiality when it is required
  • attend one day face-to-face meetings in Canberra (approximately twice a year) and 1-2 hour teleconferences (approximately twice a year). Travel costs and sitting fees will be paid to non-government employees.

Please send your resume and cover letter to by 16 August 2013.

For further information please contact