Could you help to ensure child-safe blind fittings?

blindPublic comment is invited on the details of the proposed regulation for a services standard relating to the safe installation of corded internal window
coverings (CIWCs).

Due to concerns over child strangulation corded internal window coverings must, by law, be accompanied by safety warnings, safety instructions and any devices necessary to stop the formation of dangerous loops and lengths of cord. The proposed regulation concerns the installation, undertaken in trade or commerce, of CIWCs in domestic dwellings. It requires the installer to follow the safety instructions and use the safety device(s) supplied so that hazardous lengths or loops of cord are not formed.

Submissions on the proposed regulation can be made on the Consultation paper: Proposed services standard for Corded Internal Window Coverings. The closing date for feedback to the ACCC is 13 October 2013.

The CFA plays an important role in ensuring consumer interests are represented in the development of Australian Standards through the CFA Standards Project.  CFA representative Robyn Easton is the co-chair of the Product Safety Working Group on the ISO Committee on consumer policy (COPOLCO).

If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a volunteer CFA Standards Representative please contact the Standards Coordinator