Consumer representative for occupational licensing

On 30 April 2009 the Council of Australian Governments (COAG – the Prime Minister, Premiers and Chief Ministers) signed an Intergovernmental Agreement to establish a national occupational licensing system for specified occupations.The purpose of national licensing is to remove overlapping and inconsistent regulation between states and territories for the licensing of a number of specific occupations. By so doing, it aims to improve business efficiency and the competitiveness of the national economy, reduce red tape, improve labour mobility and enhance productivity. This will enhance consumer confidence and protection without imposing unnecessary costs on consumers and business or substantially lessening competition.

The Consumers’ Federation of Australia has been invited to nominate a candidate for inclusion in one or more of the interim Occupational Licensing Advisory Committees for property, electrical, plumbing, gasfitting, and refrigeration and airconditioning occupations.

About the OLACs

The National Occupational Licensing Sysmtem is a national regulatory reform, agreed by COAG in 2009. This national licence will allow licensees to operate across all Australian states and territories without needing to apply for separate licences.

The iterim OLACs will comprise people will expertise in an occupational area across the fields of regulation, incdustry operations and practices, safety, consumer advocacy and trianing.

Candidate Criteria

Nominees should be able to discuss licensing policy issues at a senior level. In addition to this, a nominee should have occupational practioner experience, occupational and/or industry knowledge, experience at the national industry level and involvement in industry development and reform.

If you are interested in CFA nominating you as a consumer represenative to one of the OLAC please email your application to by9 October 2012.