Consumer Affairs Ministers’ Priorities for 2013-15

The goals and priorities of the nation’s Consumer Affairs Ministers for the next few years are of obvious relevance to many CFA members, especially those involved in research and policy development.

The Ministers’ goals, priorities, and an environmental scan are now available on their website.

The GOALS are:

  • Consumers are making informed decisions and receive redress when things go wrong, wherever they are and however they buy
  • Businesses responsibly deliver better, safer and more competitively priced goods and services
  • A single, harmonised approach has achieved improved consumer outcomes for Australians and New Zealanders



1. Promote the achievement of improved consumer outcomes

2. Reaffirm the value and commitment to an integrated and harmonised approach to protecting consumers, across Australia and trans-Tasman

3. Engage in the international arena to effectively address global marketplace issues and solutions

4. Using social media, introduce new, national approaches to educate and engage business and consumers

5. Use a coordinated approach to better engage and protect vulnerable consumers (including refreshing the NICS)

6. Develop a cohesive approach to respond to online issues


7. Develop the capability to deliver integrated solutions

8. Raise our visibility, including with other government agencies, to encourage compliance and enforce the law

9. Create a national approach to the analysis and collection of intel

10. Identify and implement national and trans-Tasman strategies that minimise risk of injury and death from safety hazards in consumer products.


Ian Jarratt
Queensland Consumers Association