Consultation Opens on Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial intelligence, otherwise known as AI, has become increasingly prevalent and relevant to how we live our lives today from school assignments to art to medical care. The problem is that there is little regulation, questions about intellectual property and the value of human-made versus AI-made products and art have not been answered, and the accuracy of AI is sometimes dubious at best. Given recent issues with data breaches and digital privacy, along with organisations such as the Australian Medical Association optimism and concern about the potential of AI in health care, it is no surprise that the Australian Government has released papers and opened consultation.

On 1st June 2023 the Australian Federal Government released two papers regarding AI in Australia.

According to a post on the Minister for Industry and Science’s website (found here) these two papers are:

  • The Government’s Safe and Responsible AI in Australia Discussion Paper canvasses existing regulatory and governance responses in Australia and overseas, identifies potential gaps and proposes several options to strengthen the framework governing the safe and responsible use of AI.
  • The National Science and Technology Council’s paper Rapid Response Report: Generative AI assesses potential risks and opportunities in relation to AI, providing a scientific basis for discussions about the way forward.

The goal of the consultation is to inform government policy and responses to AI and to help build trust and consensus within Australia to better enable safe and responsible use of AI.

The overview for the consultation and the process for making a submission are both available here.