The Department of Industry, Science and Resources has opened consultation to the the drafts for the National Science and Research Priorities and National Science Statement in a revitalisation project to shape the long-term vision of science in Australia. The consultation period will end September 29th 2023.
Initial public consultation was previously open from February 23rd – April 6th 2023 as a conversation starter, submissions from the initial consultation can be read here. The current consultation is seeking feedback on the draft priorities which will also inform the National Science Statement.
Specifically the Department is looking at:
- how well the draft priorities reflect the key challenges and opportunities for Australia
- how governments and the science and research sector can best work with First Nations people to build a system that recognises and values First Nations knowledge and knowledge systems
- how further refinement can be undertaken
- how the priorities could be implemented.
The draft can be found here, and anyone can respond by clicking here and answering a few short questions, uploading a written response, or both. The consultation period will end September 29th 2023.
If you are interested in further reading on the National Science and Research Priorities, National Science Statement and other topics the Department’s page on the consultation, found here, contains links for extra reading material. The Department is also currently consulting on diversity in science, technology, engineering , and mathematics (STEM), the consultation page is found here.