Standards Australia is seeking comments on the draft changes to the Australian Standard AS 3959 Construction of buildings in bushfire prone areas.
Consumers Federation of Australia has a representative on the Standards Australia Technical Committee, which has been reviewing the standard over the past three years following the the Victorian Royal Commission. The review is also based on improvements in knowledge on the performance of buildings and building materials in bushfires.
An important stage in the development of an Australian Standard is the Public Comment period, where anyone who feels they have something to contribute to the Draft Standard should submit their view at this stage. Access the AS 3959 draft and submit comments through the Public Comment portal. All comments must be received by 22 November 2017.
The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) Preliminary Impact Analysis (PIA) process is a requirement to make changes to documents referenced by the National Construction Code (NCC). The PIA requires identification of the nature and extent of the problem, consideration of all feasible options that address the problem, and a cost benefit analysis of all options considered. Standards Australia is seeking responses from all interested parties on the Consultation Questions contained in the PIA.
Access to the document and questions here. Responses are invited until 22 November 2017.