CFA welcomes Jo Benvenuti as Chair for 2014

Following the Consumers’ Federation of Australia’s Annual General Meeting on November 27th 2013, Executive Officer of the Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre, Jo Benvenuti, has been welcomed by members to serve as CFA Chair for 2014.

Ms Benvenuti replaces Catriona Lowe, who sat as Chair from 2006. Ms Benvenuti warmly thanked her predecessor for her unmatched dedication to CFA, and applauded Ms Lowe’s decision to remain as a member on the CFA Executive, noting that she was grateful to have Ms Lowe’s experience to refer to as she settled into the role.

Jo Benvenuti has extensive experience in the energy and water sectors with a consumer focus, including previous positions as General Manager Strategic Operations with the Energy and Water Ombudsman (Victoria), the Office of the Regulator-General (now the Essential Services Commission) and as Executive Officer of the Financial and Consumer Rights Council. She has been a member on the CFA Executive for 6 years.

The AGM also served to welcome to the CFA Executive two new members from organisations at the forefront of the Australian consumer movement. Denise Boyd, Director of Policy and Campaigns at the Consumer Action Law Centre, brings with her twenty years experience in the not-for-profit sector and in addition to consumer issues has worked with environmental and animal welfare groups. Matt Levey, Director of Campaigns and Communication at CHOICE, has lead consumer-focused campaigns which have tapped into a groundswell of public support, including calls for action on excess credit card surcharges and CHOICE’s ongoing work to standardise free-range claims.

CFA  extends a warm welcome to all new Executive members, and thanks Anna Dooland, Una Lawrence and Elizabeth McNess for their contribution as Executive members in 2013.