CFA representative appointed to ISO/COPOLCO-Capacity building mentorship programme

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Photo by Will H McMahan on Unsplash

CFA Standards Representative John Henry has been appointed to be a mentor as part of the ISO-COPOLCO-Capacity building mentorship programme. He will be working with trainees in developing countries to attain concrete standards-related consumer protection objectives and significantly improve consumer involvement with priority issues for the country.

Participation of developing countries in international standardization is essential to ensure the global relevance of ISO standards and contribute to the access of developing countries to world markets, technical progress and sustainable development.

The role of the mentor is to help mentees organise needed inputs for an action plan, answer questions; and give ideas, insights and experience to help find pathways forward. Through guided conversations, the mentor talks mentees through their national action plans to help them identify detailed steps for further action and lasting impact.

Standards Australia is a member of ISO, an independent, non-governmental standards making organisation which holds membership from 164 countries from all regions of the world. John Henry is the CFA Standards representative on a number of Standards Australia Technical Committees as part of the CFA Standards Project, he has extensive experience in the standards development process and is also the Registered Australian Expert on an number of ISO committees.

How to get involved in representing consumers on Standards Australia Technical Committees: see the CFA Standards Project and/or contact