More and more everyday objects are connecting to the internet and while these “smart” devices offer benefits to consumers, they come with cyber risks when not developed and maintained with security in mind and often lack the security capabilities of traditional computer products. There is growing concern about the rising threats stemming from insecure consumer IoT devices. Organisations around the world, including the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN), have endorsed a Joint statement of support on baseline cyber security provisions for consumer Internet of Things (IoT) products.
Through the World Economic Forum’s Council of the Connected World, leaders from Consumers International, the Cybersecurity Tech Accord and I Am the Cavalry, representing more than 400 organizations globally, collaborated to recognize an emerging consensus on baseline cyber security provisions for consumer IoT devices. The five highest priority security provisions are:
- Not have default universal passwords;
- Implement a vulnerability disclosure policy;
- Keep software updated;
- Have secure communication; and,
- Secure personal data.
Building the next generation of connected consumer products to be more secure will require a cohesive, multi-stakeholder approach to security and will enable a future where every consumer can expect basic security features in their connected IoT devices. Find our more about ACCAN’s Position Statement on What consumers need from the Internet of Things.
Consumers’ Federation of Australia (CFA) engages with these challenges by supporting a representative to the Standards Australia Technical Committee IT-042 Internet of things which contributes the work of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 41. Find out more about the CFA Standards Project.
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