Battery Stewardship Council Proposes Extension to EV Batteries

Currently, EV batteries account for only 7%, by weight, of all batteries entering the market in 2023 and only 0.2% of all batteries, by weight, entering the waste stream. However, within the next decade the number of EV batteries entering the market, as a percentage of the total battery market, will increase to 30% with 5% of waste arising coming for EV’s. By the middle of the century almost 40% of all batteries entering the market will be in an EV and over 32% of battery waste arising will come from an EV. By this time EV batteries will be the dominant category of batteries and battery stewardship will be an essential component of a circular economy.

Establishing a circular economy for batteries is a crucial step in Australia’s path toward achieving net zero emissions and maximising its energy security needs for generations to come. The electric vehicle sector will be integral to its establishment and is well poised to lead the way in the creation of a circular economy for critical battery minerals

The Battery Stewardship Council is now consulting on stewardship for Electric Vehicle (EV) batteries. Download EV consultation paper here

To progress this idea the BSC is proposing two consultation forums in both Sydney and Melbourne to be held in April 2024 (dates to be confirmed).