The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) is seeking Expressions of Interest from individuals to apply to be a member of the Consumer Challenge Panel (CCP).
The CCP forms an invaluable part of the AER’s regulatory decision-making process by providing consumer insight and perspective into the AER’s decisions. Individuals with consumer experience and engagement, regulatory decision-making or knowledge of energy or other utilities should consider applying to be a member of the CCP.
The AER will appoint individuals to the CCP in September 2016 for a term of three years. Members appointed to the CCP will be paid for their services.
The CCP has a distinct role in engaging with network businesses’ proposals and advising the AER through the regulatory determination process, to enhance the consumer perspective in AER decisions.
Regulatory determinations are technical and complex, which can make it difficult for consumers to participate. The expert members of the CCP will bring issues of importance to the AER to better balance the range of views considered as part of the AER’s decisions.
For the typical retail electricity bill, around half of the cost is due to network charges for transporting electricity1.The AER plays an important role by reducing the risk that excessive network costs are passed onto consumers. The AER regulates electricity networks and natural gas pipelines by setting the maximum amount of revenue to cover the businesses efficient costs and an appropriate return. As part of this process, the AER consults with a wide variety of stakeholders, including consumers. The CCP provides valued advice to the AER on the interests and concerns of consumers and input on whether the network proposal is in the long-term interests of consumers. CCP members will have an opportunity to contribute to the debate on the network charges that will impact consumers in the future.
The AER is seeking expressions of interest from experts with a wide variety of skills and expertise including consumer advocacy and engagement, legal, financial, economic, engineering, information communication technology, government and experience in energy and other utilities.
For information on the application process, terms of appointment and details of remuneration or to submit an Expression of Interest application, visit the Australian Government Tender System, AusTender ( Prospective applicants should consider the description and role of the CCP.
Applications must be received by 2pm AEST on 3 August 2016.
This article is republished from the Australian Energy Regulator website, originally published on the 13th of July 2016, available here: