ASIC concerns lead to insurance comparison website changes

ASIC concerns about potentially misleading content on the insurance comparison website of JustEzi Pty Ltd (JustEzi) has led to the removal of online material. 

ASIC’s concerns arose from a comparison tool that formulated ‘Ezi-Estimates’ for car insurance. The estimates ranked insurers by price, from lowest to highest, after the consumer entered certain details. 

ASIC was concerned that JustEzi had not received access to insurers’ data but based the estimates on a formulation created by the website operator.

ASIC found the ‘Ezi-Estimates’ were significantly different to quotes offered by the relevant insurers. Further, on many occasions the price rankings placed on the relevant insurers were inaccurate. 

ASIC found the estimates may be misleading because a consumer may consider:

  • an ‘Ezi-Estimate’ to be the same as a quote obtained from an insurer’s website
  • the ranking (on price) given to insurers to be the same as the ranking (on price) if the quotes were obtained from the various insurers’ websites.

Deputy Chairman Peter Kell said the matter is part of ASIC’s ongoing work on comparison websites (refer: 12-304MR). 

‘We have been targeting this area of the market to ensure that operators of comparison websites are providing accurate information and not misleading consumers. Comparison websites can be very useful for consumers and can stimulate competition, but these outcomes will only occur if the information is accurate. 

‘ASIC can, and will, take the necessary action to ensure comparison websites comply with the law’, Mr Kell said. 

JustEzi has removed the comparison tool and ‘Ezi-Estimates’ from its website. 

ASIC acknowledges the constructive approach taken by JustEzi. 


JustEzi offered an insurance comparison tool that purported to allow consumers to ‘compare car insurance Ezi-Estimates online quickly and simply’. The tool allowed consumers to enter five personal details, including car model, make, year, garage postcode and driver’s age to generate a list of ‘Ezi-Estimates’. 

The ‘Ezi-Estimates’ were produced in a league table which displayed a cost estimate and ranked insurers by price, from lowest to highest. The league table also included a co