Aligning regulation across aged care, disability support & veteran’s care

The Australian Government is seeking to align regulation across the aged care, disability support and veterans’ care sector. The 2021-22 Budget encompasses a range of measures including short to long term program reforms.

To progress this work, the Cross Agency Taskforce on Regulatory Alignment is now inviting input from a range of stakeholders, including consumers, participants, their families, carers, and providers.

A Consultation Paper has been released to inform the development of a roadmap. There are multiple ways for you to have your say via this link Aligning Regulation across Care and Support Sector – Consultation Stage 2 – Australian Government Department of Health – Citizen Space.

  • Provide a written submission, closing Friday 17th December 2021.
  • Register to participate in an online workshop held between 25 November – 8 December 2021 (noting places are limited).
  • Participate in an online survey commencing in late November.

To request a hard copy of the consultation paper or if you have any questions please email

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