Court orders door knockers to pay for consumer rights ad

Following legal action bythe ACCC, a half page advertisement setting out consumer rights relating to door sales was published in the Herald Sun earlier this week.

The advertisement published in the Herald Sun set out what salespeople must and must not do when engaging in sales, with an emphasis on transparency and complete, factual information when making the sales.

The advertismenet was paid for by CPM Australia Pty Ltd, a sales and marketing company. The Federal Court ordered the company to pay $200,000 for it’s role in conduct that also saw  AGL Sales Pty Ltd and AGL South Australia Pty Ltd fined $1.555 million for illegal door-to-door selling practices.

The ‘Do Not Knock‘ campaign started in 2011 as a joint venture between the Consumer Action Law Centre and Financial Counselling Australia. The campaign has been a huge success, with AGL and Energy Australia stopping door-to-door sales and the ACCC pursuing legal action against illegal sales conduct.

ACCC Door to Door advertisement May 2013