ACCC enforcement highlights for August

Product safety in remote Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory will benefit from a $25,000 consumer education campaign following ACCC surveillance and enforcement action. G & R Wills Holdings Pty Ltd will implement the campaign as part of a court enforceable undertaking provided to the ACCC after the company supplied unsafe baby walkers and strollers.

Court finds Zamel’s misled consumers

Following ACCC action, Federal Court has found that The Jewellery Group Pty Ltd, the company which operates the Zamel’s chain of jewellery stores, misled consumers about the savings to be made during sales.

Teddi Jutsen fined $10,000 for contempt of court

Following ACCCC action, the Federal Court has fined Lualhati Jutsen, also known as Teddi Jutsen, $10,000 for contempt of court orders relating to bank withdrawals. In November 2011, the Federal Court declared TVI Express a pyramid scheme. People who wished to participate in the scheme were required to pay a membership fee of $330. Once an individual had paid the $330, they received a ‘travel certificate’ and the opportunity to receive commission payments for recruiting other people into the scheme.

ACCC launches recalls app for Android

With more than 400 products recalled in Australia last year, finding out about them has never been easier.

The ACCC has launched an Android version of its Recalls Australia app to provide easily accessible information on recalled consumer goods.

WiFi Ready or not? Manufacturers clarify promotions

Five leading audiovisual manufacturers have agreed to amend their promotional material after the ACCC raised concerns about the use of the terms ‘WiFi Ready’ and ‘Wireless LAN Ready’ without informing consumers about the need to purchase an additional WiFi adaptor.

Fitness club pays ACCC’s first infringement notice for carbon claim

GFC Berwick Pty Ltd, trading as Genesis Fitness Club – Berwick, has paid an infringement notice in the amount of $6,600 in relation to carbon price claims made about the cost of gym membership fees.


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