Australia’s planned closure of the 3G network will continue with the two biggest 3G network closures and transitions to 4G planned for this June (Telstra) and September (Optus). The Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA), an industry association, has a website page dedicated to the 3G closure including a FAQs section and contact details for various service providers. Consumers are advised that emergency calls to 000 will no longer work on 3G networks, which will also impact some early 4G handsets. Find out more on the ATMA website here (
In other telecommunication news, the Regional Telecommunications Review has finished in Tasmania and moved on to Victoria. The Review, which takes place every 3 years, focuses on equitable access to telecommunications services in rural, regional and remote Australia with an eye to closing gaps in services and barriers to access. The Review Committee is looking for a wide range of perspectives and will hold consultations across rural Australia in addition to a planned virtual session. The report for the Regional Telecommunications Review will be presented to the Federal Minister for Communications by 31 December 2024. Find out more about the Review, including consultation locations and dates, at the website here (